New Things

I originally started my business back in 1998, right out of high school, when some co-workers of my dad were looking for a pair of horses. Not just any horses, they had to be trained enough for the entire family, this color and this tall. I had an order to fill! I was given a price range then went horse shopping! I charged a commission fee and expenses. I found them two perfect horses within a week or so of calling around and going through the classifieds. No, the internet was not in full bloom in 1998. Then they needed tack and all the things. It was a great way for a freshman in college to make a little extra money! They were repeat customers! I also shopped for my family ranch when we needed broodmares. I boarded horses in 1999 at the family ranch. So this is why I’m “Equine Services”.

Over the years I dabbled on the side with my business. Helping people find the right horse or selling the horse they were not using. I wasn’t really buying for myself. In fact, I didn’t buy anything over the age of 4 for myself. All through college, I always had two to ride.

The lessons began in 2001 then just sort of kept going through now. Well, yesterday, I bought a horse that might end up being for myself!!!! He is 10-12, grade (I’m not one to buy grade) and big! Originally I was shopping for a client but God put this big guy in my path and I really needed a horse to use for myself and to give lessons on…. so Bob Marley came home with us yesterday!

Bob Marley “Marley”

He is a little rough but with some love and care, I think he will fit in just fine! He nickers at me when he sees me! He is very kind. He has bright, big, sweet eyes. He is smooth at the trot. He doesn’t have any major “issues”. I think I’m in love! After the dewormer kicks in and his teeth get floated, I will start to ride him more. We have rain coming so he has time. He was used at the sale barn and in a feed lot before that. He was also used for trails and roping. When I go to look at a horse to buy, 99% of the time, my mind is already made up. So of course I took the trailer! He loads and hauls great! He might be my new best buddy!

Previous owners from several months ago

I have to decide if he is mine or if he is for my client. As of right now, he is mine! I hope you all give a warm welcome to Bob Marley! Cheers 🍻 to new things!

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