New Things

I originally started my business back in 1998, right out of high school, when some co-workers of my dad were looking for a pair of horses. Not just any horses, they had to be trained enough for the entire family, this color and this tall. I had an order to fill! I was given a price range then went horse shopping! I charged a commission fee and expenses. I found them two perfect horses within a week or so of calling around and going through the classifieds. No, the internet was not in full bloom in 1998. Then they needed tack and all the things. It was a great way for a freshman in college to make a little extra money! They were repeat customers! I also shopped for my family ranch when we needed broodmares. I boarded horses in 1999 at the family ranch. So this is why I’m “Equine Services”.

Over the years I dabbled on the side with my business. Helping people find the right horse or selling the horse they were not using. I wasn’t really buying for myself. In fact, I didn’t buy anything over the age of 4 for myself. All through college, I always had two to ride.

The lessons began in 2001 then just sort of kept going through now. Well, yesterday, I bought a horse that might end up being for myself!!!! He is 10-12, grade (I’m not one to buy grade) and big! Originally I was shopping for a client but God put this big guy in my path and I really needed a horse to use for myself and to give lessons on…. so Bob Marley came home with us yesterday!

Bob Marley “Marley”

He is a little rough but with some love and care, I think he will fit in just fine! He nickers at me when he sees me! He is very kind. He has bright, big, sweet eyes. He is smooth at the trot. He doesn’t have any major “issues”. I think I’m in love! After the dewormer kicks in and his teeth get floated, I will start to ride him more. We have rain coming so he has time. He was used at the sale barn and in a feed lot before that. He was also used for trails and roping. When I go to look at a horse to buy, 99% of the time, my mind is already made up. So of course I took the trailer! He loads and hauls great! He might be my new best buddy!

Previous owners from several months ago

I have to decide if he is mine or if he is for my client. As of right now, he is mine! I hope you all give a warm welcome to Bob Marley! Cheers ๐Ÿป to new things!

It’s been a hot minute…

Sorry for leaving y’all for a bit! I had that second hip surgery before Christmas 2023 and I have been learning my new limits on life! So here is a catch up! I have someone coming to ride Whiskey in exchange for lessons! It’s an awesome trade in my book! He is getting worked with the way I want her to ride him! He is doing fabulous! We sold Declan, the palomino gelding last weekend. Sad to see him go but I’m so excited to see what ends up in my pasture this week! Lynx is getting fat and I have been on him twice in the last 7 days! Same good ‘ol’ boy! Taking care of mama as usual! We did get a ton of rain so the grass is growing!!! That is my update!

Lynx smiling

On Wednesday I’m going to go look/buy a gelding that was used for cattle work! He is big! He is lazy! He is my kind of dude! I’m praying he will work out for both lessons and me to use for sorting and ranch versatility work! He is a pretty bay boy! Not that I’m giving up on Whiskey. No. I just want something I can ride now without risk of injuring my hip. I can ride Lynx but I’m risking injuring him. (Deep digital flexor tendon lesions) so maybe Bob will fit the bill! I’m super excited! I used to go for younger. I really haven’t bought anything over the age of 4…. ever. But I’m 45 now and honestly, I don’t have time to train one fully. I need a steady eddy. Something that needs some buttons but is not spooky or reactive. Something that will also work in my lesson program! So we shall see how Bob is and perhaps I will be announcing a new member of the family soon!

I have also been cleaning saddles and selling some tack too. Just trying to make ends meet while the rain waters the grass and my hip settles. It’s more the muscles around my hip that are upset. One day at a time! I pray you all have a safe and blessed week!

December is here!

This year has been…. interesting. I don’t want to dwell on the negative. I will just spit out the negative right quick! My cat, Tot, had to be put down. My best dog, Gauge, had to cross the rainbow bridge and my oldest and most favorite horse, Gabe, also crossed the rainbow bridge. On top of that, my colt, Whiskey, dropped me and messed up my already messed up hip so I had to have surgery on that. Let me tell you, this time surgery didn’t fix that hip and I’m NOT happy. However, I’m super happy with Whiskey! He did great in training and is now just hanging out and growing!!!!

Skeet Rey Scott aka Whiskey

I’m happy to report that Lynx is now sound. He won’t ever run barrels again but I’m so happy to be able to ride him! Yes, I can ride. My right leg just doesn’t “work” like I need it too when in the saddle (or any other time) so Lynx is the only one I care to ride at the moment. Whiskey needs to just spend time growing! I do have one lesson student dad that loves to ride the little booger! Whiskey has been very tolerant for a four year old with the novice rider! It makes me smile!

Lynx enjoying Ryleigh

I can say that I’m super excited to have added a mini to the herd! Cinnamon is a 21 year old mini mare! Since the loss of Gabe, Whiskey really needed a companion. A sweet person gifted Cinnamon to me! She is a spicy yet sweet thing! I can’t wait to watch my kiddos play with her!

Cinnamon and Whiskey

My doge are doing good. They looked for their alpha, Gauge, for about a week. As of right now, they don’t have an alpha. The three boys just kind of get along! Cole, my shelter pup (blue heeler) has really come out of his shell! He started to PLAY!!! We adopted him on Christmas of 2019. He was always shy and conservative. Now he has found joy with his giggle ball and his herding ball!!!!

Cole and his herding ball

Slick is my little sidekick. He is a Velcro dog for sure! He is learning that mama doesn’t like some things but does need him to cuddle! He is a super smart dog! He is now 3. He loves to travel and is, honestly, a better dog away from home than he is at home!

Gunther, my 11 (soon to be 12) La’dox is happy as a clam! Of course, being part lab, he just loves to chew on his toys and chill on his fancy dog bed.

Lessons have slowed down but that is the expected at this time of year. Honestly, my stupid hip needed things to slow down a bit. Miss Kaylee has been doing well on her mare Dun Dallied!

Peyton and Ryleigh have been steadily progressing! I have a couple of newbies that just started so I won’t embarrass them by calling them out. I’m super proud of my students!

All in all, this year hasn’t been horrible! My son played both football and basketball and is excelling in school! My hubby is my rock and has helped me get through all of the ups and downs of the year. Bless his heart. Watching me loose my babies (animals) has been super hard on me and he has taken it all in stride. I will call out Tori too. She has been with me the whole time! We had a great trip to the ranch this summer and she was there to cry with me as we said goodbye to Gauge and Gabe. She got me out of the house when my hip had me bed bound. She is for sure my best friend and I hope I hold up my end of the deal!

Me and Tori

I hope everyone has a very blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! I am holding out for a new hip!!! I can’t wait to see what 2024 has for us!