It has been one month…

It has been one month since I was kicked in the chest. One month since a random hoof flew at me and into my chest. One month since I decided to turn my horse out, forgot to let the horse out of the other paddock and walked forward vs turning around and going back to the gate….and I got kicked in the chest. My oh my how one blink can alter your reality.

This was an average morning. I went to turn horses out. I didn’t let the one horse that sleeps in the paddock, that is located inside the back pasture , out before letting Lynx loose for the day. A simple thing. So I took the halter off Lynx, put it on my shoulder and stepped forward. I woke up 15’ from where I was standing. It hurt. I could not breathe. I did manage to get up and let that horse out before the ambulance arrived. I spent four days in the hospital and did not break anything. Blunt force trauma to my chest wall.

What I have learned since this experience? A lot! I learned that the world keeps turning. I learned that my child still had baseball. Dinner still needed to be cooked. Horses still needed to be fed. I also learned that my 42 year old body takes longer to heal! I learned that I have limits.

On my 14 year wedding anniversary, September 29th, my son got sick. Of course we got tested and come to find out it was the vid. My son was sick for maybe 24-36 hours. He is 100% now! I tested positive but do not have any symptoms aside from my “I just got kicked in the chest by a horse” symptoms. All I want to do is ride! But yet….I got kicked in the chest by a horse. Sigh.

So what does one do when we are in quarantine and healing from trauma? I’m not 💯 great but I am also way past the sleeping all day phase! I cleaned saddles. I cook dinner. I do laundry. Gah the laundry! What do we do? Watch tv. That’s it! So please go ride your horses and breathe in the ragweed air! Enjoy the little cool front that might make your steed a little fresh! Think of me while you glide along on that horse of yours! I can’t wait to ride again! But…I will! Why? Because “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” does not apply to people over 40! 😐✌🏻

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